AAACN is excited to announce Elizabeth Fritz, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC, NPD-BC as the new ViewPoint Editor.

Elizabeth Fritz, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC, NPD-BCDr. Elizabeth Fritz has worked in nursing professional development since 2013, and currently works as an education program manager at SSM Health in Wisconsin.

She is a member of several professional associations, including AAACN, where she serves on the Research Committee and has contributed to the development of the Best Practice Guidelines for Academic and Practice Partnerships in Ambulatory and Community Settings.

Dr. Fritz has presented and published on a variety of topics related to nursing professional development, evidence-based practice, and ambulatory care. Please join us in welcoming Elizabeth as our new ViewPoint editor.

We look forward to seeing how ViewPoint continues to evolve and provide timely resources to the membership under her direction.

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ViewPoint is the official publication of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), and is a benefit of membership. It is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly resource for nursing professionals.