The Board of Directors (BOD) leads the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) through vision, innovative action, and empowerment of members into an expanded, prosperous future.
The AAACN Board of Directors (BOD) is composed of 10 members: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, five Directors, Emerging Fellow, and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO is selected by the Association Management Company and serves as a non-voting member.
Director (3-year term)
The Directors oversee the business and fiscal management of AAACN. They also provide strategic direction and active leadership for AAACN. A Director position involves a three-year term.
Candidates for director will:
- Occupy a leadership role in ambulatory care nursing.
- Have been an active member of AAACN as defined by bylaws, for 2+ years preceding election.
- Have a record of participation in AAACN leadership activities, e.g. SIGs, committees, task forces, etc.
- Have attended at least two (2) recent annual conferences.
- Possess good organizational and communication skills.
- Have the ability to meet all director role responsibilities, including attendance at meetings, for the duration of their term.
Time commitments include:
- Preparation for (several hours of reading) and attending three in person board meetings per year. A one-day board meeting is held immediately prior to the Annual Conference, two-day meeting is held in the Fall at the AAACN National Office in Pitman, New Jersey, and a 2-day meeting is held at another location in February.
- Participating in 10 monthly, 90-minute conference calls per year held during business hours.
- Attendance at the annual conference and all associated activities.
- Serving as the board liaison to one or more SIGs, task forces, and/or committees; and providing leadership for other activities as delegated by the President of AAACN.
- NOTE: Time estimates do not include travel time.
Approximately an additional 6-10 hours per month may be spent on specific board assignments such as, responding to email, reviewing articles, writing charters, performing liaison duties, participating on conference calls, in discussions, and decision making.
Additional Board Roles
The President-Elect is elected by the BOD from among the current Directors. In the event that a President-Elect candidate cannot be identified from among the current Board of Directors, a previous Director on the Board of Directors may be considered. Secretary and Treasurer are appointed by the current President-Elect from among the current BOD.
The Treasurer, during the budget development process, spends an additional 1-2 hours to review the budget with the Chief Executive Officer.
The Secretary reviews minutes which requires, on average, an additional 1 hour per month.