AAACN has long prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), actively reshaping our governance to mirror the diverse environments we serve. The first step was establishing the DEI Committee, which has now evolved into the Inclusion and Belonging Committee. 

This change reflects a proactive focus on fostering inclusion and belonging within our membership and promoting inclusive workplaces, while still upholding DEI values. The committee collaborates across our organization to drive initiatives aligned with our culture, profession, and vision for the future.

Additionally, the Inclusion and Belonging Committee creates and provides learning opportunities, education, and resources our members can utilize in their own practice.

Archived Webinars

Our webinar series is an engaging resource for our members that will be added to over time. TheInclusion and Belonging Committee provides 4-5 webinars annually. These recorded webinars are free to watch, and speakers and topics are carefully selected by the committee to educate nurses on promoting and understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion in the healthcare realm.

Brigit VanGraafeiland, DNP, CPNP-PC, CNE, FAAN, FAANP

The Impact of Trauma on the Health and Wellbeing of Pediatric Patients
Presented by Brigit VanGraafeiland, DNP, CPNP-PC, CNE, FAAN, FAANP
View the Recording

Hope Collins

Leveraging Interpreter Services & CLAS Standards to Improve Your Patient Care
Presented by T. Hope Collins, MPA, Director of Interpreter Services at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC)
View the Recording

Lachandra B. Baker, MBA, CDP

Leadership in the New Era of Work
Presented by Lachandra B. Baker, MBA, CDP
View the Recording

Amy Cadoret, MHA, MSN, NEA-BC, AMB-BC

Sexual and Gender Identity: Historical Context and Present State
Presented by Amy Cadoret, MHA, MSN, NEA-BC, AMB-BC
View the recording

Piri Ackerman-Barger, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN

Cultural Humility as a Framework for Promoting Health Equity
Presented by Piri Ackerman-Barger, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN, Associate Dean of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
View the Recording

Nikki Alcala, MSN, RN, PHN

LGBTQ+ Patient Identities
Presented by Nikki Alcala, MSN, RN, PHN, Fenway Health, Executive Director of Nursing
View the Recording

Published Articles

The Inclusion and Belonging Committee has published several articles in AAACN’s peer-reviewed bimonthly publication, ViewPoint, as well as in the “Perspectives in Ambulatory Care” column, which is published up to six times annually in Nursing Economic$, a peer-reviewed journal that advances nursing leadership in healthcare with a focus on tomorrow.  These articles are an important tool to educate members on issues that impact diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the healthcare realm.

Nursing Economic$ Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing

March/April 2023
Gaining Insight into Member Demographics and Perceptions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives in a Professional Organization (AAACN)
Kim Regis, Quyen Phan, Amy Cadoret, Nancy Parker, and Beth Ann Swan


May/June 2024
Evidence-Based Strategies to Promote Health Equity for All
Kim Regis

January/February 2023

Improving Primary Care: Health Equity and Breastfeeding
Kim Regis

May/June 2023
Cultural Humility as a Framework for Ambulatory Care Nurses to Address Health Equity and Inclusion
Quyen Phan, Nancy Weaver Parker, and Amy Cadoret

DEIB Scholarship

The Inclusion and Belonging Committee established the DEIB Scholarship to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in ambulatory care nursing, healthcare, and the AAACN organization.

The DEIB Scholarship was created to increase diversity within AAACN, financially support underrepresented groups in AAACN (including funding for hotel, travel, and registration), promote cultural competence, inclusivity, and belonging within AAACN, and to encourage learning from diverse perspectives within conference.

This scholarship will be maintained by members of the Inclusion and Belonging Committee, who will review applications and determine the recipients.

This scholarship will provide one recipient annually with a complimentary AAACN conference registration (full conference only; will not include Pre-Conference or Post-Conference sessions), as well as reimbursement for up to $2,500 for travel and hotel expenses.

Learn about the eligibility criteria and/or apply now. The application deadline is September 18, 2024.

Apply Now

Impact on AAACN Resources

The Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing explicitly identifies and defines ambulatory care nursing practice in outpatient settings. The 10th edition, published in 2023, contains a brand-new Standard on Cultural Humility, created with huge input from the Chairs of the Inclusion and Belonging Committee at the time of publication.

This new Standard represents the first step in a larger plan to incorporate the Inclusion and Belonging Committee into the oversight of AAACN’s resources to ensure they are representative of the diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging ideals AAACN values.

The Inclusion and Belonging Committee also created inclusive language guidelines for use within AAACN publications, white papers, articles, ViewPoint, the Journal of Ambulatory Care Nursing (JACN), and more. Implementing these guidelines will foster a more welcoming and respectful environment within AAACN's membership, ensuring that all individuals feel valued and included in our community.

Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing

Celebrating Cultural Awareness and Progress

Domestic Violence Prevention Month


The AAACN Inclusion and Belonging Committee invites you to join us in advocating for the needs of and speaking for those without a voice in October as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The theme for this year’s awareness month continues to be “Heal, Hold, & Center” where the purpose is to discover the many ways that we can engage culturally appropriate care to heal the victims, hold space to hear and support survivors, and center on those who have been most marginalized by domestic violence and the stigma surrounding it.

Were you aware that in the United States, nearly 1 in 2 women and more than 2 in 5 men reported experiencing intimate partner violence at some point in their lifetime? 85% of all domestic violence victims are women, although 1 in 4 men report receiving severe beating from an intimate partner. Victimization rates vary by race, with White and Black women more frequently victims of beatings than Asian or Hispanic women*.

What can you do to help #healholdcenter this year?

  • Use your social media power to raise awareness. Post using #healholdcenter to draw your followers to learn more.
  • Volunteer with local domestic violence support services.
  • Organize an educational event for your community.
  • Research the candidates running for elected office to see if they have a stance against domestic violence, violence against women, and dating violence.
  • Organize a drive for clothing, household goods, and hygiene products to donate to your local shelter.

For more information:
About Intimate Partner Violence | Intimate Partner Violence Prevention | CDC


LGBTQ+ History Month Statement

LGBTQ+While June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, in October we celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month by acknowledging the leaders who have paved the way and continue to inspire us with their examples. Educate yourself continuously: inclusivity is a lifelong process and taking the initiative to educate yourself about LGBTQ+ issues, identities, and history is crucial.

What we can do on a daily basis to be inclusive:

  • Include our own pronouns during introductions.
  • Don’t assume we know someone’s gender identity or pronouns based on how they look; ask others their pronouns during introductions but get in the habit of using they/them pronouns until it’s clear what pronouns they use.
  • Avoid gendered language when addressing groups: “Good evening, folks/everyone/guests/people/kiddos/ community,” etc. Terms like “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen” are exclusive and many people who don’t identify on the binary are left out.
  • Make a special effort on October 18, International Pronoun Day, the third Wednesday of October.
  • Follow the example set by our children and grandchildren.
  • Keep working at it, even if the rules are at odds with what we learned in English class.
  • If you make a mistake and use the incorrect pronouns (yes, mistakes will happen) and someone corrects you, say “thank you” instead of “I’m sorry”. When you say, “I’m sorry,” it puts the burden on the person who has just been misgendered to either accept your apology or console you. “Thank you for correcting me” is the way to acknowledge your mistake and take responsibility.

Hispanic Heritage Month - 09/2024

HHMThe AAACN Inclusion and Belonging Committee is proud to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month, Sept 15-Oct 15, 2024. This a time to recognize and honor the rich cultural contributions and achievements of the Latinx community. This month offers a valuable opportunity to reflect on the vital role that Latinx individuals have played in shaping healthcare and nursing, both historically and in modern practice, while also recognizing the continuing gap in Latinx clinicians compared to the community (17% of the population is Latinx and only 3.5% of nurses).

Latinx nurses continue to make significant strides in advancing health equity, advocating for culturally competent care, and improving outcomes for their communities. As we honor Latinx Heritage Month, we also reaffirm our dedication to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the nursing profession. By promoting a sense of belonging and respect for all, we strengthen our collective ability to deliver high-quality, and culturally appropriate care to the diverse populations we serve.

Together, let us celebrate the vibrant culture, contributions, and leadership of the Latinx community, while continuing to work toward a more inclusive future for all.

For more information about Hispanic Heritage Month: Hispanic Heritage Month | National Museum of the American Latino (

For more information about the Latinx nurse contributions to healthcare Hispanic And Latino Nurses You Should Know About |

Women’s Equality Day Statement - 08/2024

On this Women’s Equality Day, the Inclusion and Belonging Committee celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and dedication of women in nursing. As leaders in ambulatory care, you are the backbone of our healthcare system, providing compassionate and expert care to countless patients every day.


Your leadership, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence inspire us all. Together, we can create a future where every woman has the chance to lead, thrive, and make a difference. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive world. Happy Women’s Equality Day!

AAACN's Inclusion and Belonging Committee recognizes Disability Pride Month

Commemorating the 34th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this July we celebrate Disability Pride Month. During this month, we work to center and explore the experiences of the 61 million adults living with a disability. According to the Disability Funders Network, "people with disabilities constitute the largest minority group in the United States, making up an estimated 20 percent of the total population. It is a diverse group, crossing lines of age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status." People with disabilities face many challenges, including access, discrimination, and ableism – all of which are known social determinants of health. Aligned with the CDC's goal, we encourage all AAACN members to strive to facilitate seamless access to healthcare and public health programming that support health-enhancing behaviors for our patients with visible and invisible disabilities.

AAACN’s Inclusion and Belonging Committee (IBC) recognizes the significance of Juneteenth as a historic day in commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

PRIDEThis day, observed on June 19th, marks the day in 1865 when enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, were informed of their freedom, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. We stand in solidarity and hope for us all within AAACN. Let this day and all the days to come serve as a powerful reminder of resilience, courage, and the enduring spirit of those who fought for their freedom and continue to advocate for justice and equality. The IBC is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where every individual is respected, valued, and empowered. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting equity in healthcare, supporting a diverse workforce, educating, advocating for, and building inclusive partnerships.

What can you do to celebrate?

  • Recognize and celebrate the contributions of African American healthcare professionals within your organization
  • Share information about Juneteenth, including its history and how it relates to health equity
  • Organize cultural events that celebrate African American heritage, such as music performances, art exhibitions, or food festivals
  • Those of us outside the Black experience might find this article helpful

Together, we honor the legacy of those who came before us and pledge to continue the work of a just and equitable society for all.

The Inclusion and Belonging Committee wishes the AAACN membership a happy Pride Month.

PRIDEThe AAACN Inclusion and Belonging Committee (formerly known as the DEI Committee) recognizes June as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. As members, we extend a warm invitation to each of you to join us in this essential conversation and learning. Together, let us unite in a shared commitment to expanding our understanding, raising awareness, and fostering inclusive environments where LGBTQIA+ patients and colleagues are not just acknowledged, but truly valued and respected.

Every year, June serves as a time to support collective stories of resilience, triumph, and the ongoing pursuit of equality. This month-long observance stands as a beacon of unity, empowerment, and recognition for the vibrant tapestry of identities within the LGBTQIA+ community, both past and present. Through a myriad of events, gatherings, and commemorations, we honor the influence of LGBTQIA+ individuals on our society, and we stand together in solidarity, reminding each other that we are never alone on this journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

Pride Month carries profound significance, rooted in the historic Stonewall Riots of June 1969, a pivotal moment when the LGBTQIA+ community ignited a movement that reverberates to this day. From those courageous actions emerged a chorus of voices calling for justice, dignity, and the right to love freely without fear or prejudice.

The legacy of Stonewall endures as a guiding light, inspiring us to continue the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights and visibility in the face of ongoing challenges and discrimination. As we reflect on the journey from Stonewall to the present, we recognize the progress made while acknowledging the work that still lies ahead.

At the heart of Pride Month lies a call to action: to advocate for inclusive policies, and champion the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is a time to celebrate the diversity of community and to embrace the unique gifts and perspectives that each individual person brings.

As members of AAACN’s Inclusion and Belonging Committee, we extend an invitation to all nurses and healthcare professionals to join us in this vital conversation and learning. Let us learn, raise awareness, foster understanding, and create welcoming spaces where LGBTQIA+ patients and colleagues feel seen, heard, and respected.