Research is critical to the achievement of AAACN’s mission and vision. Goal five of our strategic plan is to build the infrastructure for AAACN to design, develop, and disseminate research.

The committee will be responsible for the development of research culture, oversight of the establishment of the research priorities, research awards and grants, and building research partnerships. The Research Committee is led by AAACN’s Nurse Scientist, Margo Halm, PhD, RN, NEA-BC

Research Committee

Margo Halm, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

Margo Halm, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

"Kristen Shear, PhD, MSN, RN"

Kristen Shear, PhD, MSN, RN

"Elizabeth Fritz, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC, EBP-C" Elizabeth Fritz, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC, EBP-C
Jene Hurlbut, RN, MSN, MS, PhD, CNE Jene Hurlbut, RN, MSN, MS, PhD, CNE
Marianne Hutti, PhD, APRN, FAAN, FAANP Marianne Hutti, PhD, APRN, FAAN, FAANP
Kathy Mertens, DNP, MN, MPH, RN Kathy Mertens, DNP, MN, MPH, RN
Edtrina Moss, PhD, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC, CLSSGB Edtrina Moss, PhD, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC, CLSSGB
Jessica Varghese, PhD, RN Jessica Varghese, PhD, RN
"Na Lim Heo, MDiv, MSN, RN" Ad-Hoc Member:
Na Lim Heo, MDiv, MSN, RN
Cynthia L. Murray, BN, AMB-BC Board Liaison:
Cynthia L. Murray, BN, AMB-BC
Chrystal Lewis, PhD, RN Board Fellow:
Chrystal Lewis, PhD, RN


Evidence-based Practice

  • Toolkit Link –More Information Coming Soon
  • JHNEBP Model & Worksheets – More Information Coming Soon


  • Current Studies – More Information Coming Soon
  • Research Consultation Service
  • New to Research – More Information Coming Soon
  • AAACN Conference – Dissemination Session – More Information Coming Soon

AAACN Member Publications

More Information Coming Soon