The Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) online course cover nine dimensions of the CCTM RN role and related competencies for care coordination and transition management.

The CCTM Course and Core Curriculum define the integral role of the RN in the interprofessional team and apply to nurses in all settings from ambulatory care to hospitals.

Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) online courseThe courses contain the following modules:

  1. Module 1: "Care Coordination and Transition Management: Introduction," –  F R E E contact hours
  2. Advocacy
  3. Education and Engagement of Patients and Families
  4. Coaching and Counseling of Patients and Families
  5. Patient-Centered Care Planning
  6. Support for Self-Management
  7. Nursing Process: Proxy for Monitoring and Evaluation
  8. Teamwork and Collaboration
  9. Cross Setting Communications and Care Transitions
  10. Population Health Management
  11. CCTM Between Acute Care and Ambulatory Care
  12. Informatics Nursing Practice
  13. Telehealth Nursing Practice

Have you purchased the CCTM Course? Access the course in the AAACN Online Library

Choose the method of learning that suits you best:

CCTM 1 - AAACN Online Library

Earn 26.4 contact hours.

CCTM 1 is the original course that provides audio and PowerPoint presentations by CCTM content experts. If your learning style prefers to hear directly from the content expert, this version is for you.

This course is offered in the AAACN Online Library and may be purchased by individuals. Group Access Programs are available for group purchases.

Special Offer! Nurses who purchase the CCTM course may purchase the Care Coordination and Transition Management Core Curriculum text at a 50% discount. If you have any questions, (link is external)contact us.

Product and Price Information:

  Full Course: $195 AAACN and AMSN members / $245 non-members

  Modules: $40 AAACN members / $50 non-members

  Group Access Programs - (see Group Access tab below)

CCTM 2 - HealthStream

Earn 23.25 contact hours.

If you enjoy participating in interactive activities as you view and hear the content being presented, you will prefer the CCTM2 learning platform.

Through a collaboration with Kaiser Permanente, a second version of our Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) course is available through HealthStream. This collaboration was made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust.

The complete course, and individual modules, may be purchased through HealthStream. Facility licensing is also available by requesting a quote through the option on the HealthStream Website.

(Pricing for the course to individuals is the same as the CCTM1 course)

Price Information:

  Care Coordination and Transition Management Library – Starts at $119.00 per seat (volume/term discounts available)

  CCTM – Individual Modules – Starts at $15 per seat (volume/term discounts available)

Purchase Group Access for the CCTM Course

Group Access Programs are available for the complete course, including the contact hours, for facilities that wish to educate groups of nurses.

Course fees are based on the number of users:

  • 10-25 users: $220 per person
  • 26-50 users: $208 per person
  • 51-100 users: $196 per person

Download the Group Access Purchase Form.