Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCTM) Course Module 4: Coaching and Counseling of Patients and Families

Coaching and counseling of patients and their families is an important dimension of the RN in the CCTM role in order to develop a trusting relationship and provide health information and guidance in setting goals and accessing resources. Find out how to purchase Module 4, get the corresponding core curriculum text chapter, and earn 1.8 contact hours!

Nurses Asked to Assist with ACA Enrollments

On a recent national conference call with nurses, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius encouraged nurses to educate people about the ACA. She said, "Nurses play a critical and important role in these efforts. People trust information about the ACA when it comes from nurses and physicians." She asked nurses to continue their efforts through open enrollment, which ends in March 2014.