
Research is critical to the achievement of AAACN’s mission and vision. Goal five of our strategic plan is to build the infrastructure for AAACN to design, develop, and disseminate research.

The committee will be responsible for the development of research culture, oversight of the establishment of the research priorities, research awards and grants, and building research partnerships. The Research Committee is led by AAACN’s Nurse Scientist, Margo Halm, PhD, RN, NEA-BC


Nursing Economic$ Journal

The Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing column is authored by members of the American Association of Ambulatory Care Nurses. 

The column captures the essence and makes sense of today's rapidly changing ambulatory care market.

Interested in Writing for ViewPoint?

ViewPoint is currently accepting new manuscripts

ViewPoint, a publication of the American Association of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), is peer-reviewed and dedicated to presenting current best practice information on topics relevant to ambulatory care and telehealth nursing. ViewPoint also provides a forum for communication between the AAACN Leadership team and members.